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I am a writer and independent researcher. My fields of interest are, among other things, eco-philosophy (environmental philosophy), societal and ideological causes of the global ecological crisis, climate change, nuclear weapons and nuclear power, energy policy, global medical industrial complex, globalization, poverty, criticism of the prevailing economical and political thinking, social movements, stateless peoples outside civilizations...

Besides the above mentioned ones, I have published the following books: Cold Shower, Prevention of Climate Catastrophe and Rapid Social Change (Kylmä suihku, Ilmastokatastrofin torjunta ja nopea yhteiskunnallinen muutos. Into, Helsinki 2012), The Environment and War (1980, Ympästö ja Sota, tranlated into English), Ecological Philosophy, Alternative Movements and Nuclear Power (Ekofilosofia, vaihtoehtoliike ja ydinvoima, Ympäristöeskus, Helsinki 1982), and When Representatives Aren't Enough: A Guide to Social Activism (Kun edustajat eivät riitä Kansalaistoiminnan opas, WSOY, Helsinki 1988). Together with Outi Hakkarainen and Thomas Wallgren, I have co-edited the book Outside the Empire: Critical Essays on Development (Imperiumin ulkopuolelta: kehityskriittisiä puheenvuoroja, Gaudeamus,Helsinki 1991).

I have given lectures in the universities of Helsinki, Oulu and Riga on eco-philosophy, on understanding of the ecological crisis and on ideological discourses. I have also been a public speaker in numerous events organized by social movements, NGO's and adult education centres. I have been active to a varying degree in various environmental and solidarity organizations. I was one of the organizers of an international seminar on indigenous peoples and oil that took place in February 1999 in Helsinki. I have also participated in editing the report of the seminar (in English)

Being a father of a school age child living in a wood-heated small house and not having a partner willing to devote all her time to childcare, cooking and cleaning, I am also a toiler in informal economy.

You can contact me through the feedback form.